Friday, September 30, 2016


Arrr, and welcome to the Scurvy Deeps, mates.  Today we're listening to some LEVIATHAN on the turn-table, that's right.


in particular their I mean his
uber rare vinyl-only (at the time)
2005 release A SILHOUETTE
IN SPLINTERS, LP album cover
depicted above (with a die hard
candy red vinyl that looks like
blood if it were suspended
beneath ocean waves while 
transfixed by a shaft of sunlight). 

The music itself delves far deeper
than that until it's descended to 
a highly pressurized realm of
sonic pings and distant echoes
crashing off the shores of mad
ness buried under old sand
driven dunes occupied by
chromataphore lit cephalopods
undulating their tentacles slow
as the funereal and dirge like
dark ambient music unfolds
around you like a diver's bell
dropping beneath the plates of hell.   

I've always enjoyed listening to this album regardless of the time of day or month or season.  I've come to appreciate its subtle dynamics all the more over the years as I begin to hear more emerge from its lightless configurations in a gradual gyrational mutation twisting into new flowering shapes budding up out of the inky darkness of the soul and out pouring through our eyes and mouths as we're taken down to the ultimate conclusion remaining: that of our burial at sea. 


Just push PLAY on the YouTube video above featuring all forty-eight minutes of this luscious masterwork of ambient music.  An album even Brian Eno would appreciate, for all its dark evocations as well as for the instrumentation provided, even the simplest bass lines add a dimension of haunting space which helps coalesce the bigger picture the songs on this album sonically depict.

The label Moribund Cult reissued this on CD in 2008, I'd wager even that item remains rare today. For three years at least I enjoyed my vinyl-only album rendering it for a brief spell one of the truly kvlt items from my catalog of blackened wax.   Until next time, I bid you not to drown in adieu ~

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