by yr roving rock'n'roll reporter Thornswrath aka Shaun Lawton
Guys havin' fun, alright... Year one, you're one, I'm one. I just heard this sad song by another band, sung by another man, he gave me the once over twice. I'm happy for my lost generation (slipped from the deck sometime after gen x and before gen y or any of the post-triggered gens to come). I'll see you and I'll raise you off the floor.
Bandcamp rules, I've already scored the die hard gold flake initial pressings of X's first two albums, minted on their 40th anniversaries respectively. Some people give me the creeps. I remember when it felt like my whole fucking life's a wreck. Guess I got used to it. I mean, things haven't changed much, really.
I just happened to be online when X announced their reissue of Los Angeles, and if it weren't for that fact I'd have missed out on the gold flake die hard vinyl pressing, I assume there may have been 100 pressed.
Then there's usually a spade of subsequent, differently colored die hard pressings, each with their own amount, a couple hundred yellow ones and three hundred green ones and five hundred silver ones, whatever the case may be. It doesn't really matter so long as you at least manage to score the regular black version of the record. That's all that counts when you get down to it.
So if I want to know when their 3rd reissue drops, all I have to do is take a looksee at when it originally dropped. Let's do that, shall we.
Well here's our answer. Next July if you're online or checking your email in July and subscribed to bandcamp as I am, you'll see what happens to be a lil' old announcement from X that Under The Big Black Sun (my favorite back when it dropped) is available in ultra-limited die hard gold flake, so best pounce! if'n you want one of these glorious, crinkled beauties.
I'm comin' over, so move over!
So if it drops before next July, then nevermind.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
In this house that I call home, nobody knows
the party rules, gotta get in but there's no room.
Beautiful walls are closin' in, lookin' at you
You're havin' a nightmare! Right now I'm listening
to the .mp3 digital rip of Wild Gift on my iTunes.
I haven't dl'd the latest iTunes upgrade yet for a few
months, I keep x'ing it closed, ignoring it.
Let's not talk about bombs or the brain impulses
of severed limbs. You will always subtract your arms
from my arms. Someone always interrupts us
when we talk. So I'm gonna draw this evening's line
before my wash hangs on it for everyone to see.
It's very bad luck to draw the line on the night before the world ends.
We can draw the line some other time....